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  • #365343

    Hi there,

    I have been having an issue with my layerslider not working on my blog page. Everything works great if I only have a basic blog post uploaded onto that page but I discovered the layerslider decides not to work when I upload a blog post where I used the Theme Shortcodes in Visual layout builder..

    My blog page is called “What’s New”

    The post that seems to prevent the layerslider from working is: “ZO® GSR™ Systems – Developed by Zein Obagi, MD” (Created using Theme Shortcodes)

    The layerslider that should be at the top of that page is: “Why Enfold – Small Header”

    I have provided the Admin credentials and a link to my website in the private content.

    Thanks in advance!


    Hi dansmelt!

    The problem was that you were using static pages in Dashboard > Settings > Reading. I removed those and then set them up in Dashboard > Enfold > Theme Options and it seems to be working fine now.



    Great thanks so much!

    I had one last quick question though.. Like I said I used “Theme Shortcodes” when creating a post. For some reason the “Excerpt” option won’t work (It shows the full article when clicking on the “What’s new” tab on the main navigation when really I just want it to show the excerpt that leads to the full article)

    Is this something that can be fixed? Thanks so much in advance!



    What do you mean by “Theme Shortcodes”? Is this a plugin? Please provide a screenshot or a link to a test page so that we can understand the issue clearly.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    to show us screenshots you can use

    For blog excerpt refer to this post:

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    please delete your post completely and then create a new one with same content. It should work.
    If not update your plugins. If that does not help, please deactivate all plugins to see which one causes the issue.
    Also don’t forget to clear browser cache.

    Best regards,


    Hi there,

    I have already tried that along with many other things.. Can somebody please assist with this by logging into my back-end and seeing why the excerpt will not work for my blog posts? I need to get this website live immediately and I am out of ideas..

    Again your support is greatly appreciated,



    There’s something wrong with your installation. The content setting of the blog posts element is not working. Please download a fresh copy of the theme then override the files via FTP.

    Best regards,


    Thank you,

    I have downloaded a fresh copy of the theme but I obviously cant just drag all those files into the FTP because I will lose the customization I have done. Are you able to tell me specifically what file consists of the “content setting” for the blog posts element so I can simply drag that one file into the FTP and over ride the corrupt one?

    Thanks again for all the help!



    Are you sure it’s not your customizations that are causing the problem? I would create a backup of your theme folder and then completely delete Enfold from your WordPress theme directory before downloading + uploading a fresh copy from themeforest.

    If it works fine then add your customizations in one by one to see which one is causing the problem.



    Hi again,

    Unfortunately it is not my customization. I deleted every bit of code I inserted in the “custom.css” style sheet but had no luck in getting the excerpt option to work on my posts.. Very frustrating but I’m not sure what else to do from here :(

    Again, any ideas in solving this issue are greatly appreciated.


    Ahhhhhh FINALLY!

    I was able to get it to work! I looked through other forums with people having a similar issue and what I had to do was simply disable the Blog Posts page from the WordPress setting as well as your theme settings.

    So much grievance over something so simple.. But at least it is fixed now! Thanks again for all the support through this.

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