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  • #1030794


    I have updated to Enfold 4.5 via FileZilla and immediately noticed that our layer slider is missing. Also, the three main links in our sub menu which is on our home page (Thornton Campus, Northglenn Campus, and Fort Lupton Campus) all are now dead. The images of all three campuses also read: “Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 15204352) (tried to allocate 12288 bytes) in /nfs/c08/h06/mnt/171648/domains/ on line 534” when clicked. The old version of Enfold that I was using (version 4.2.1 I believe) was starting to act up so I updated to 4.5 thinking that may be the problem. In the older version, updated content would disappear after updating a page. The layer slider would also have content cut off even though the proper dimensions were being used. Our plugins such as Calendarize It! began to not function properly. I was hoping the new version of Enfold would solve these problems but again, it is now worse. Please take a look and let me know if you guys see something I can’t at the moment. I need to revert back to the older version as I cannot have this site live with all the new errors.

    Thank you for your time and help.


    Hey crossroadsabc,
    Sorry for the late reply, I believe you have rolled your update back to resolve these errors that occurred.
    When you updated via FTP did you delete the old theme folder before uploading the updated theme folder, or did you overwrite the old theme folder with the new?
    I ask because overwriting the theme folder will leave old files behind and cause errors.

    Since we can’t see the errors to investigate, does your webhost offer staging sites? That is typically a option in your cPanel to clone your site to a temporary address for testing, Here are some screenshots of what it would look like:
    If your webhost does offer this, could you create this and give us ftp and admin access so we can try to recreate your issue?

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Last night I went ahead and attempted to update the Enfold them to 4.5 again. This time around, I deleted the old Enfold folder and uploaded the new version. Our LayerSlider still disappears. I did a little more digging and deactivated all of my plugins save Wordfence. I realized that the LayerSlider would appear when I did this. I then turned them all back on one by one and discovered that the only plugin that is interfering with Layerslider is our Series Engine plugin. I currently have this plugin deactivated and our LayerSlider now works. That said, we need our Series Engine as that’s how our users access our podcasts on our mobile app.

    Can you do some more troubleshooting and let me know if there’s anything else I can do to remedy this? Currently, I do not have access to our Cpanel with Media Temple and so I can’t go that route. The temporary credentials I sent you should still work for our site and for FileZilla.

    Thank you for your help!



    My layerslider disappeared also – I narrowed it down to Jetpack and disabled lazy load and the layerslider reappeared.

    This reply has been marked as private.


    glad that you were able to find out that it was the “Series Engine” plugin.
    I took a look at this by activating it and tried to examine the options and settings of the Series Engine plugin to see if I could find a solution, but I was booted out of the site, probably your WordFence.
    Have you tried asking the Series Engine author if they have any other reports like this for any sliders? There is a good chance that they already have a solution for this.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    I tried researching your error message but didn’t find anything helpful, I also tried viewing your error first hand
    at but didn’t receive the same error.
    Is this still happening for you?
    To include a screenshot please upload your images to and post the link into your post.

    Best regards,


    Hey Mike,

    Thank you for your continued support. I think I’ve narrowed it down to the accordion add-on for our plugin. The error only occurs when I have the accordion on (which we need to have on). Perhaps some improper HTML in the excerpt section? Here is the link for postimage:

    The error is now occurring at:



    Thank you for the updated explanation and link to error. I believe your assumptions are correct.
    When you updated Enfold did you also update WordPress? Since you still have the error when you roll-back Enfold, it would make since that the error is from the updated WordPress, this is just a guess.
    I recommend asking the plugin support group if they have seen this error before.

    Best regards,

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