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  • #905832

    Hi there,
    recently my page became super slow. After inspecting the response times I figured that the first response has an extremely high latency (sometimes around 10s!) the transmission duration is ok with ~100ms.
    Do you have any idea what could cause this issue?



    Have you recently installed a new plugin or made some change that could affect site speed?
    Also, could you please try de-activating all active plugins and check if that makes a difference?




    no – this issue has been there for quite a while now but got worse over time.
    I’m afraid we’ll have to check out if this is related to any of our plugins if you don’t have another idea ;(



    Hi Ben,

    Are you sure that it’s not local to the machine you are checking on? I loaded your page and it was fairly quick, less than 2 seconds I would say. The test in private backs that up too.

    Best regards,

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