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  • #1372545

    I have been testing one of my Enfold websites to see if I could speed it up.
    I have hidden unwanted items by checking all of the four hide boxes in Responsive tabs. Assuming they would not be loaded.
    I have often hidden certain elements from larger screens and displayed others only on small screens etc.
    But I have now discovered it appears they are still downloaded even if they aren’t displayed!

    Am I wrong in thinking elements with all four boxes checked are NOT hidden from being downloaded?

    See links in private


    Hey ColinWalton,
    Thanks for your question, items that are hidden are hidden with CSS so the source code is still there but not shown visually.
    I believe that what you are looking for is for the elements to be blocked on the server side and not in the source code, but this is not a feature in the theme and we don’t have a way to achieve this.
    You would need to not include them on the page for them to not be in the source code.

    Best regards,


    HI Mike,

    Thanks that makes sense now. I will alter my websites accordingly.

    Much appreciated.



    Glad we were able to help, I thought that I should explain a little further, the reason the elements are hidden with CSS is because the Responsive option is based on the users screen size and WordPress can not determine the users screen size on the server side, the only way to determine the screen size is on the client side after the user has downloaded the source code.
    Then the user’s browser will use the CSS, or JS could be used, to hide the element. I hope this helps explain the limitation better.
    If you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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