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  • #643499

    Hi there,

    I know there are already a lot of posts regarding proplems with deme imports. However, I have to open a new topic because no solution suggested before worked for me.

    I want to import the default demo, which is not possible, however, the import of the one page portfolio demo worked well.

    Is there any possibility to import demo content via ftp or similiar?

    Best wishes,



    Hi andreasobermeier!

    If 1 page works but not the multiple, then the issue is based on your hosting provider and the php memory limit.
    Please ask them, so they can increase it to 256

    Thanks a lot for your patience and understanding.



    Hi Basilis,

    thank you for your response. I’ll give that a try. PHP memory limit was set previously to 128.

    Hope that 256 will solve my little problem.

    Best wishes!



    Increasing the memory on the hosting server should resolve the issue.

    Alternatively demo data can be imported using XML file from Admin > Tools > Import
    Make sure you check the option to download attachments while importing. You may need to upload some images from backend once the XML file is imported.
    App Showcase
    Church Demo
    Construction Demo
    Cunsulting Demo
    Gym Demo

    Best regards,


    Hi Vinay,

    thanks for your feeback, too.

    You listed some XML files, but there is no one for the default demo, right?

    Hopefully my hosting provider agrees increasing the memory limit, that would make it easier.

    Thank you a lot.



    Hear you go Default demo

    Please note this will not import the theme settings you may need to set them up and upload if any images are missing from backend once the XML file is imported.

    Best regards,


    Hi there,

    you can close this thread. Actually increasing memory limit to 256 mb didn’t solve this problem, but it is fine for me.

    Thank you for your help!




    Hey Andreas,

    Ok, thanks for letting us know.


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