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  • #479973


    For some reason, all of the tables on the blog on my website have a white bar on the side of the table. Here are a couple of examples:

    Additionally, in that second link, you will see that the table is scrolling in a weird way – I want the table to just be displayed in its entirety without having to scroll.

    Can you please provide guidance on these two issues?

    Thank you!


    Hi Ryan!

    I think it’s because your setting widths on each table cell. Also, you do not have any table headings,

    Have you considered using our table element?

    Best regards,


    Thank you for the response.

    We have tried using your table element (using the option to display tabular data, because the spacing on the pricing table does not work for our purposes) and we tried both adjusting the table to screen size and making it scrollable. But unfortunately, the white space that we were concerned with in the first place is still present and is even larger using your table element.

    Additionally, it is frustrating that we cannot edit an existing table using the table element feature (except by changing the code itself).


    Thank you,

    – Ryan



    You could try setting a transparent background for the table:

    table {
        background-color: transparent;

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Thank you for the suggestion. It unfortunately did not work. But I figured out what is making the white block appear. The following code made the block appear:

    table {
    overflow: auto;
    display: block;

    I used that because I was having trouble with how tables looked on mobile – and specifically that the tables were not appearing on mobile/there was trouble scrolling on mobile. I used that code based on the suggestion here:

    So now I am stuck with having to choose between having the white block, or having the table not appear properly on mobile. With that in mind, I am open to using the table element provided by Enfold. I am content with how it looks, etc. But is there any way to edit the table in the table element view/editor as opposed to having to edit the code itself? Also, is there a way to convert my existing tables into the table elements provided by Enfold?

    Thank you for all your help with this!



    Changing the background will work, but maybe you have to use the !important statement in the CSS:

    table {
        background-color: transparent !important;

    Unfortunately I think you will have to copy/paste the information already in the table but I’m not sure what you mean but editing the Enfold table? Are you referring to the html/css code? We can help you out if you need some additional styling.


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