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  • #840885

    Hey, I have just taken over a website to try and get it working for someone as the guy that originally did it went AWOL (Some people can’t handle the heat!!)

    The site is using a Child theme and we have made all the changes but the final 2 we are having are pricing issues.

    First issue is on the drop down the price is only showing next to some of the options and I can’t tell why and the second is the prices aren’t showing in full decimal places, so for example £14.50 is just showing as £14.5 or £17.00 is showing as £17. I have gone through all the WooCommerce setting, disabled all the plugins and nothing. Images below.

    The only thing that seems to fix the decimal point issue is removing the Child theme but this doesn’t fix the drop down issue.

    Any advice would be great!!





    Hey RISEABOVE_1,

    Please send us a temporary admin login and login URL so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Best regards,

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