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  • #801945


    I’m experiencing the following problems with the permalinkstructure on my website for:
    – portfolio-items
    – blog-posts

    It’s now set to > Post name:

    For example: (blog-post)
    Breadcrumbs (now): You are here:Home/ENERGY / Industry / ENERGY
    Should be: You are here:Home / Industry / ENERGY

    Example 2: (blog-post)
    Breadcrumbs (now): You are here:Home/Whitepaper 1 / Whitepapers / Whitepaper 1
    Should be: You are here:Home/ Whitepapers / Whitepaper 1

    Example 3 (portfolio-item):
    You are here:Home/MBO OFFLINE / MBO ONLINE / UNIFIED MODEL / Module 1
    Should be:Home/ Portfolio item / Module 1

    Can you help me out?




    Hey vdarend,

    Sure, you would need to set a Blog page in Enfold > Theme Options for it to work properly.

    Best regards,


    Ok, thnx. But the industry posts shouldn’t be listed under knowledge center. Can you help me out with that?

    With portfolio items I still experience torubles in the showing of the breadcrumbs:

    You are here:Home/MBO OFFLINE / MBO ONLINE / UNIFIED MODEL / Module 1
    Should be:Home/ Portfolio item / Module 1

    And can I change the name of portfolio-item to something else > Solution?



    Yes, it can be changed, go to Settings > Permalinks > and look for this at the bottom Portfolio Entry Settings, you should see portfolio-item, just replace it.

    As for the breadcrumbs, it will show the category, so I think you should only select 1 category.

    Best regards,



    I set the main blogpage to Knowledgecenter, but all the posts are related to it in the breadcrumb. Can you help me out to solve this that industry posts aren’t attached to the knowledge center. The reason for me to make it industry post instead of a page because of the fact I can call them up at different pages. Can you help me out with a solution within the set up like it is now.


    I already solved it by making pages for the industry



    Great, glad you found a solution. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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