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  • #1081871


    I’m having an issue with the menu that overlaps the content. It’s easier to show than to explain:
    1. When you go to (is is our temporary url) https://comsampleq-pepet.savviihq.com you see the navigation bar. The first 2 item link to anchor ID’s on the homepage. as you can see they work fine and nothings goes wrong.
    2. The third option ‘contact’ links to a separate page. please click on it.
    3. When you then go back via the navigation first or second option. you automatically see the section it points to, this is also correct.
    4. But when you scroll up you see that the menu overlaps the content. and when you scroll down the same height which overlaps the content above is extra underneath the content and the footer.

    I really don’t know how to fix this. I hope you guys have an idea.
    I’ve tried changing the top content on the page, but this doesn’t matter. I’ve checked and unchecked the stickyness of the header, this also doesn’t matter. I’ve added login credentials so you can take a look at it if you want.

    Please help!


    is these somebody that can take a look at this issue or is it a known bug? Could there be an easy fix?
    Please help.

    Maybe only solution is not to use the anchor id’s? but I need those in the main menu.


    OK, for people who experience the same issue I’ve found a work around.
    By adding the following code to the function.php (within the PHP section).

    <script type='text/javascript'>
      if( window.localStorage )
        if( !localStorage.getItem('firstLoad') )
          localStorage['firstLoad'] = true;

    The script reloads the page again without changing the url and the page remains on the anchor position.

    It would be nice if this bug is fixed though ;-)



    Thanks for the update.

    Glad that you found a workaround. I don’t think refreshing the page is the way to do it though. Can you provide a screenshot of the issue? You can upload it to imgur or dropbox.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    I’ve added a screen capture video, that shows the problem, in the private content settings.

    Hope you can find a solution for this.

    I’ve managed this in a browser which was not refreshed yet, so the refresh script is still active. I can delete it if you want..



    Thanks for the update.

    It seems to be an issue with the parallax container. The container is not resizing properly or as expected. We added the following script in the functions.php file to force the window to trigger a resize event until the page is fully loaded, leading the parallax container to resize correctly.

    add_action('wp_footer', 'ava_auto_resize');
    function ava_auto_resize(){
    	var int = window.setInterval(function(){
    	}, 1000);
    	$(window).on('load', function() {

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    It makes sens but I’m afraid it doesn’t work on my end. Does it work on your end? I’ve tried different browsers, but I can’t see it. A refresh doesn’t do the trick any more either.

    Any suggestions? Otherwise I’m sticking with my refresh script..



    Yes, it is working on our end. Did you enable the “refresh” script? You should be seeing a “tick” string or text in the browser console indicating that the script is running.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismeal,
    Sorry nothing seems to work on this end. on any browser and I can’t get it back to way it worked with the refresh script for some reason. I’m so not a programmer.. Would you be so kind tas to put the function.php file the way you found it before adding you own script?

    Best regards,



    We disabled the “resize” script and re-enabled the previous one. Please don’t forget to remove the browser cache.

    Best regards,





    Did you need additional help or shall we close this thread?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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