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  • #552214


    We have customised the Enfold theme for our website quite a bit and want to know if it is possible to update the theme without altering our current styling. I don’t really know what we shuld be looking out for in regards to the files required for styling etc apart from custom.css and the shortcodes.css files. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I do not want to update the theme and destroy our existing site but would like to have some of the many additional features available on the theme now..

    Thank you in advance..



    Hi Paul!

    Can you please elaborate on the changes you have made?
    Have you modified theme files or have you only made changes in Enfold theme options?
    If you have made them only in theme options, you can update the theme and they would be safe. If you have modified files, please use a child theme – and move modified files to your child theme.

    To be on the safe side, you can refer to this post – and create a testing environment and apply the changes there firstly to see if anything breaks when you update the theme


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