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  • #28707


    Can you tell me how to remove the iPad portrait stylesheet, so that it stretches from mobile landscape to iPad landscape? I essentially want to increase the parameters of the mobile landscape up to iPad landscape (so the page content will have more white space to the left and right all the way up to 989px, when it snaps over to the next stylesheet) as the menu overlaps the logo and the 25% width columns are displaying extremely thin, especially with images in them.

    Thanks, Graeme



    Edit css > grid.css, find this code:

    #Tablet (Portrait)

    You fix the overlapping menu using this:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 989px) and (min-width: 768px) {
    .responsive .main_menu ul:first-child > li > a {
    padding: 0 7px;
    font-size: 12px;




    Hey Ismael,

    I’m more concerned about the width of the content areas, so I’d rather disable the iPad portrait stylesheet completely. I basically need column widths to display at mobile landscape size (where the white space to the left and right increases) all the way up to 989px where it snaps over to the next size


    Hi Iano999,

    Unfortunately that is somewhat difficult to do. The entire grid structure is based on the tiers of change for each of the media queries so what you would need to do is go through each of the stylesheets and change the media query for all mobile layouts (below pixel width 767) and then remove the media queries that specifically target the tablet size.

    Even then you may run into some other needed tweaks since that we can’t foresee right away.

    This however is quite a bit beyond what we can assist with via support so you will need to look into a freelance developer who can help modify the theme and keep everything cross browser compatible and properly responsive (the way you want it).



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