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  • #390728


    I have a very observant client who has noticed that if he swipes to the left on his iPad, the menu shows. The problem being that, as I understand it, the menu should not be visible unless the menu box is clicked.

    As the menu is visible all the time, it seems to change half the colour of the header to grey. Is this a coincidence?

    So my question is this, is it possible to not have the menu in its “popped up” version all the time, so it can be generated only by clicking on the menu square in the header.

    I’m hoping that if the menu is only generated on demand, then the grey area can also be removed.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Kind regards,


    Hi rosiefuture!

    It will be fixed in the next update. In the meantime add this to your custom CSS.

    #wrap_all { position: relative !important; }


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