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  • #1366004

    Hi there,

    I’ve been using Enfold with The Events Calendar for years, with no problems. Recently, I’ve started seeing intermittent 404 errors on my site when visitors have tried to access event pages. After trying many things, I now see that when I disable the Enfold theme, the issue goes away. This is hugely problematic for us, as our site was built with Enfold and TEC because of their stated compatibility, and we have large events dropping shortly that we need to advertise.

    Below I am including two links – our live site which is experiencing the issue, and our staging site without enfold activated which noes not have the issue. Our site is set to show the “Welcome to Sunbridge” page for all 404 errors, so you won’t see a 404 error; instead you will be unable to view any event detail pages.

    Can you help?

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by 1lizcollins.

    Hey 1lizcollins,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The event pages load properly when we checked them. The only error that we noticed is from a plugin called the-events-calendar-filterbar. This is the error in the console.

    filter-scripts.min.js?ver=5.4.0:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: tribe_ev is not defined
        at filter-scripts.min.js?ver=5.4.0:1:11213

    You may need to ask your hosting provider to set the site to debug mode and enable the error logs so that we can get more hints about the issue.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Because the issue is intermittent, you may not see the error right away. That does not mean the site is working as expected – I can assure you that we are having a major disruption to all our events that has been happening on and off for several months. For example, I could not see the error yesterday but I do today. Please try on a laptop and mobile device, and try clicking on the event links on the homepage as well as as the event links in the event calendar.

    All our attempts to resolve it thus far have failed. As I previously mentioned, our dev site does not use Enfold and it works fine. Our live site, which uses Enfold continues to give us intermittent 404 errors, leading us to our default 404 page instead of event details. This leads us to believe that there is a conflict between Enfold and TEC. Have any other users reported issues like this?

    I activated debug mode and I see a few errors:

    [23-Sep-2022 13:52:21 UTC] PHP Notice: Trying to get property ‘province’ of non-object in /nas/content/live/sunbridge/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2/list/event/venue.php on line 25
    [23-Sep-2022 13:52:21 UTC] PHP Notice: Trying to get property ‘address’ of non-object in /nas/content/live/sunbridge/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2/list/event/venue.php on line 26
    [23-Sep-2022 13:52:21 UTC] PHP Notice: Trying to get property ‘post_title’ of non-object in /nas/content/live/sunbridge/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/v2/list/event/venue.php on line 30
    [23-Sep-2022 13:52:34 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Function Tribe__Events__Pro__Main::disable_recurring_info_tooltip is deprecated since version 6.0.0 with no alternative available. in /nas/content/live/sunbridge/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5389

    I will continue to collect these over the n ext few hours. In the meantime, can you help us get to the bottom of this?


    Just following up as this issue is urgent for us. Can you help?



    Sorry for the delay. We have been monitoring the site using UptimeRobot since September 23 and according to the tool, the site has been up all the time during those period and the average response time is 344.84ms. There are no downtimes recorded in the past 119 hrs. We have also checked the status of some of the events and they all return 200, which means OK. The events loaded properly as well when we visited them directly.

    You can check the status of the events using this tool.


    You might want to contact your hosting provider and ask them for more assistance about the issue, They might have a better way to monitor the site on their end and catch any errors.

    Do you get more errors in the logs? Did you add custom rewrite rules in the .htaccess file? Please try to flush or resave the permalinks in the Settings > Permalinks panel.

    Best regards,



    The monitor reported a downtime just now (2022-10-03 03:26:25) for an event titled “here-and-now-reevaluating-the-needs-of-parents-and-young-children-in-early-childhood-settings/”, which lasted for about 20 minutes. The event is redirecting to the page “/about/welcome-to-sunbridge/”. Did you set up a redirect for 404 pages?

    We also checked the event URL on and got a redirect (302) response through Cloudflare servers,. Have you tried to contact your CDN provider?


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