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  • #441183

    I’m new in Themeforest. I bought the template enfold and I don’t know where to start, besides downloadin the files to my computer. By the way, I’m planning to use Flywheel. Is there instructions I can read or watch?
    Thank you.


    By the way, I want the Enfold Photography template. Do I download the or
    Sorry I’m new.



    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Please take some time to review the resources in the Theme Documentation. A lot of basic stuff like theme installation, element configuration, options overview, css snippets and whole lot of handy stuff regarding the theme. If it’s not enough, try to search for any related topic inside the support forum:

    You can download the demo content on Enfold > Demo Import panel. Look for the photography demo.

    If you can’t find what you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to let us know and we will be happy to assist you.



    I have a question about this as well.

    I’m trying to start with the “enfold-business-flatdemo/theme, then alter from there. However it looks like the “demo content download” simply does just that, downloads/imports some of the content used in your demo.

    What I’m looking for is a quick way to initially setup my site to mimic the “enfold-business-flat” demo which will then give me a good starting point on which to go in and modify as needed. Looking at the demo content imported and the instructions within the downloaded ‘theme documentation’ file, it doesn’t really tell me how to go about getting my site to start off and look like your beautifully clean demo.

    Is there an easy way to initially setup my site to look like your demo? I may just be missing something within the demo content install or the documentation. For example, I don’t know how many pages to make, what the different style settings are for each section within your demo pages, etc.

    Thanks much,



    The demo content should provide the initial or basic pages and some of the demo images needed to start a website. It will not however exactly duplicate the actual theme demo ( Can you please provide a link to the website? You should be able to edit the initial pages provided by the demo content after the demo import process.


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