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  • #1395017

    Long story short: Haven’t updated my Enfold version (V4.2) for years since WP always told me I had the current version. I know, should have been a red flag.

    After searching the topic, I came to the conclusion, rightly or wrongly, that I needed to re-purchase the latest version, which I have done (V5.4). But I’m unclear and paranoid about how to install this new purchased version over such an old version without wrecking things

    Help please!


    I should add that my site has been frquently hacked of late. I suspect vulnerabilities in the very old V4.2 might be the culprit. So installing the new V5.4 is a matter of priority atm.


    Hi adrenal,

    That version of Enfold is still using the old API (username and API key) which envato has already deprecated therefore you can’t update it with the usual method.
    You can do the following process instead:

    First make a backup:
    – Site Backup:
    – Theme Settings Backup:

    Second setup a staging site, some hosting provider offer an option to create a staging site via cpanel, if your webhost does not have it on your cpanel then you can use plugins, please check this article:

    Once you have setup a staging site, please proceed to update the stage site in order to test if it will mess up your site or not:

    Option 1: Use Envato Market to update your site
    – link:

    Option 2: Update manually
    1. Login to ThemeForest and download the Enfold theme, right-click over the downloaded zip file and extract/unzip it.
    2. It should generate a new folder, open it and look for the enfold folder
    3. Right-click the enfold folder then zip it, here’s a tutorial on how to create a zip file in windows: (this should create
    4. Log in to WordPress as and Admin.
    5. Install and activate a maintenance plugin and put your site in Maintenance mode.
    6. Go to Appearance > Themes, switch to a default WordPress theme like TwentyTwenty then delete Enfold.
    7. Click on the ADD NEW button.
    8. Click on the UPLOAD THEME button.
    9. Click BROWSE and choose file
    10. Click the INSTALL NOW button and switch to Enfold or your child theme.
    11. Remove the maintenance mode then deactivate and remove the maintenance plugin.

    If update is successful on the staging site then please proceed to update the live site.

    Then register the theme by following the instructions in
    Once this is done, the next time you update, you’ll only need to go to Enfold > Theme Updates and click on the Update button.

    If update is not successful then, please give us temporary admin access to your staging site and we’ll try to check further.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for your comprehensive reply Nikko,
    I read your post just after girding my loin and doing the following albiet without the precautionary steps that you listed:

    1) In the WP-content/themes folder on the site, I renamed the old 4.2 enfold folder on the site to ‘enfold_old’. (I also backed it up)
    2) Uploaded (FTP) new unzipped V5.4 ‘enfold’ folder to the site.
    3) In ‘Appearance’ on wordpress dashboard, both the old and new appeared as separate themes (which is interesting). The new V5.4 was the active theme.
    4) To my relief, everything seemed to be working as usual under the updated theme.
    5) Deleted old theme from site.

    Now all that remains is to register the theme for future updates as you described.
    All good


    Should also mention that I backed up the site before doing anything…of course!!


    I’m using Updraft. Do you recommend something better.
    Also, what anti malware plugin do you recommend?


    Hi adrenal,

    You’re welcome :)
    I haven’t tried Updraft but I’ve seen many Enfold users using that plugin and it seems good, there are some hosting providers that has the backup option and that’s what I’m using.
    All-in-one migration plugin is good as well.
    As for anti-malware, I think Wordfence would be great.
    I hope you find these helpful.

    Best regards,

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