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  • #1228751


    I am getting a “Errors found: Instagram has returned invalid data.” on the Instagram Widget

    I just offloaded our Media Library to S3 and it is delivered by Cloudflare

    However, this should be no issue as the Instagram widget is getting the images from Instagram and not my Media Library.

    It appears this is the issue:

    Is there a replavement you recommend?

    Thanks so much,



    Seconding the issue. Getting the same error message and the site is super simple, so there are no weird configs.

    The fix page Jasmer links above says you can get results using a hashtag instead of username, but we need the “follow me” on Instagram to function, too.

    Please advise. Thanks!



    Unfortunately, our instagram widget uses web scraping but doesn’t work for some people.
    To be able to use an instagram feed, please use this plugin: then set the required settings.
    Go to the ALB Editor and under Plugin Additions (tab) you should find Instagram Feed element, please use this instead.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Nikko,

    I am using it as a widget in the footer rather than an element in ALB. I decided to use the paid version of Smash Baloon’s Instagram widget that you suggested.

    However, If you notice in the footer of the site, the “Instagram” header is way to the left. Is there a way I can move it to the proper position (a bit to the right) with CSS?




    Also, I just noticed the Twitter feed works fine on desktop, but not on mobile. Any idea why?

    See below…

    Thank you,



    Hi Jasmer,

    For the instagram widget alignment in the footer, please add this CSS code in Quick CSS (located in Enfold > General Styling):

    #sb_instagram {
        margin-left: -6px;

    As for twitter feed in mobile, it seems to work properly on my android phone, what device are you using? and browser?
    Are you using embedded twitter feed as instructed here: ?

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko!

    1. INSTAGRAM – fixed! Thank you 🙏

    2. TWITTER – The problem with the Jetpack Twitter feed was 1Blocker extension for mobile Safari iOS. Fixed!

    3. FEATURED – Is there a way to wrap the FEATURED feed in the footer? It’s too wide. I’d like it to match the width of the Twitter and Insta feed. (screenshot below)

    Thank you,



    Hi Jas,

    You’re welcome, please try adding this CSS code:

    #footer .widget {
        max-width: 250px;

    Best regards,


    Hey thanks, worked perfectly!

    Any way to right margin justify the FEATURED feed? (I know I’m getting picky)





    Hi Jas,

    No worries :)
    Please add this CSS code as well:

    #footer .newsbox .news-headline {
        text-align: justify;

    Best regards,


    Thanks Nikko!



    Hi Jas,

    We’re glad that we could help :)
    Thanks for using Enfold and have a great day!

    Best regards,

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