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  • #903135

    I think this problem started with Enfold version 4.2, before that I didn’t notice this problem (I am using 4.2.2 now).

    With updating to 4.2 I experienced the problem described here:

    Basically there was a problem with the insta-pics when the photo size was set to thumbnail or small.
    It could be solved by setting the photo size to large. This problem was fixed in Enfold version 4.2.1.
    But it seems that it was just fixed by using always the large photo size independently of the setting.
    Resulting the insta pics are slowing down the page considerably, which ruins completely my speed results I gained after applying the tips for Autoptimizer and Comet Cache as described in this helpful thread.

    The insta-widget seems to have no effect on my mobile site (I have 99/100) but on desktop it slows down the site from about 94 to 69 (25 points!!).
    This makes the widget basically unusable.
    Please clarify the photo size in the insta widget and the massive impact on the page speed.



    I had a closer look at the image quality by changing the insta-widget setting.

    With the naked eye I cannot see any difference in size or quality between thumbnail, small, large or original.
    Also google insights speed test always shows the same recommendation (see here).
    (I always cleared the cache between test.)

    So I really think that the widget always shows the same photo size and quality, independently of the settings.


    I tested the following 2 instagram-plugins for this porpouse:
    – Instagram Feed
    – Instagram Feed WD – Instagram Gallery

    “Instagram Feed WD” has similar bad results in the Google PageSpeed Insights as the current Enflold widget but “Instagram Feed” seems to solve the problem.

    So I am using “Instagram Feed” now for my purposes but actually I would be happy to use the Enfold Widget again when the problem is fixed.
    Please let me know if there is going to be a fix.



    Sorry for the late reply. We haven’t had this reported by other users to my knowledge, so we will have to see it in action to be able to debug. The test results from your site looks ok on my end, so I’m guessing you are still using the plugin which worked for you? If you want to see the actual speed your site is performing at, then I would advise you to use Pingdom or GTMetrics instead of Google Page Speed Insights.

    Best regards,



    yes I am using the plugin “Instagram Feed” now and not the Enfold widget.

    But check out the test page I set up (link in private content), where basically only the Enfold instagram widgets are shown (no other content).
    On this test page the Google PageSpeed Insights rating is only 55(!!) for desktop .
    On other pages/articles where I use the above mentioned insta-plugin (instead the Enfold widget) generally I get a rating of more then 80 for desktop.



    Thank you for the info. Unfortunately, this is not something that we can control on our end. Selecting a smaller thumbnail might help but the better solution is to optimize the images before uploading it to your instagram account. This simple guideline may help you get the best image quality and the smallest file size possible.


    Best regards,

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