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  • #1394695


    this is a follow up of post 1377644.

    The code from Mike for functions.php worked well to trigger the individual height of the tab sections on mobile screen sizes. Somehow the problem reappeared.

    Thank you for suggestions.

    Best regards,


    Hey Vera,
    Thanks for your patience and the link to your site I have checked with my browser Dev Tools and my Android device and the solution seems to be working, please see the screenshot in the Private Content area. You could try changing the wait time for the script to work, it was set to 300 milliseconds
    try changing it to 500, or 700, or 900 all of which is still less than a second.
    If this doesn’t help add console.log("click"); to it so we can see if it is consistently clicking, it will add a message to the browser console log.
    This is how you would add it:

    function custom_portfolio_tab_click() { ?>
    window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    (function($) {
    	if ($(window).width() < 768) {
        $("#top.single-portfolio #av-tab-section-1").find('a.av-active-tab-title').trigger("click");
    	} else {}
    add_action('wp_footer', 'custom_portfolio_tab_click');

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    yes!! It works on my side setting the time to 900 milliseconds.
    You can see now how the domain adress jumps to the first section adding the ID of this section (#bilder) to the portfolio adress.

    Thank you!!

    Best regards,


    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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