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  • #25018

    How can increase the size of the phone number in the upper right corner? Is there a way to possibly make it a different color like red?

    Site for reference:

    Also, any way to integrate a contact form into the layer slider in a better manner? I am unable to alter how compact it is.



    Sorry for the delay. This css code will make phone number red and bigger., please add it to /css/custom.css file OR to quick css located in Enfold > Layout Styling (under theme options):

    .social_header .phone-info {
    color: #F00;
    font-size: 1.35em;

    Add this css code to one of the two locations described by me earlier in this post. It will shrink your form

    .ajax_form p {
    float: none;
    width: 70%;

    #top .ajax_form .text_input, #top .ajax_form .select{
    padding: 8px !important;

    #top .ajax_form .text_area{
    padding: 6px !important;
    height: 100px;



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