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  • #657230

    I cannot get any images to show up properly on my homepage in the main language. It does work on the translated pages.

    Side note, with much trial and error I did manage to get Layer slider’s 2nd and 3rd slide to display properly but the 1st slide will not display any image no matter what I try and I did try quite a few things including:
    – Recreating the slide
    – Changing the slide order
    – Duplicating the secondary language slider which works properly
    – Changing the slider on the home page to the secondary language
    – Changing the pictures to older pictures
    – Changing the pictures to newly uploaded ones
    – Making a new Layer slider altogether

    Nothing seems to be working. Also no other picture will display properly on all pages in the main language except for those directly related to Enfold (menu logo and favicon).

    Of course on the english translation everything looks good.

    Please advise,

    Thank you!





    Great, glad you got it fixed. Please let us know if you should need any more help on the topic.


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