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  • #938457

    I have a problem with the page image on the top of my posts. It has a full width but not the full height. I tried to figure out how to fix it but couldn’t. What I want is this: I want my picture shown in the original aspect ratio. It would even be OK if the picture wouldn’t have the width of the column.
    Here is an example of how it looks on my website with the picture cropped at the top and bottom: https://www.kindergeburtstag-planen.de/druckvorlagen/einladung-erster-geburtstag/

    P.S. Please explain like to a 5-year-old, I am fairly new to WordPress :-)


    Hey KiGePa,
    What has happened is that when your image was uploaded it was very large and WordPress cropped it to make it fit it’s preset dimensions. The image you are seeing is the cropped image, please see the link in the Private Content area which shows how it is stored on your site.
    I tested your original image on my localhost and made it 50% smaller (515px x 344px) and as the featured image of a post it showed at full size. Please see screenshot in Private Content area.
    So the easiest solution would be to use a smaller image, either the one I uploaded or one that you create.
    Or we could try changing the preset image sizes in WordPress though some code.

    Best regards,

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