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  • #1094722

    I added some code to my footer and it has a link to another site. It is using an external hosted image.

    My CSS is as follows:

    	content: url(;
    	top: 2px;
    	position: relative;

    Enfold is replacing the URL to:

    Resulting in a 404.

    How to fix it?

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by peterolle.

    Hi peterolle

    This post might help you.



    Thank you Michael, that helped, but the fix has a big problem. Hopefully @Günter or other Enfold moderator/Developer sees this.

    After uploading the fixed asset-manager.class.php file, now the external URL is used, BUT it is replacing https for http, resulting in:

    Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image ''. This content should also be served over HTTPS.

    So now the site breaks completely for HTTPS.

    Can anyone please share the fix?



    Thanks for the update.

    Did you disable or toggle the Performance > File Compression settings after the file modification? Please post the site url along with the login credentials so that we can inspect issue.

    Best regards,


    If https was used since the first time, what file compression has to do anything with this?

    I use https, the result is http, so the problem is in the fixed file, or maybe in another file.

    I can confirm that the fixed file actually let the external URL to be used, the problem is that it is changing it to http only and that is worse.




    Thanks for the update.

    The compression should actually convert http to https, not the other way around as you can see on line 203 of the asset-manager.php file.

    if(is_ssl()) $avia_upload_dir['baseurl'] = str_replace("http://", "https://", $avia_upload_dir['baseurl']);

    We’ll tag this thread so that @Günter can see it and confirm. Please try to toggle the compression and let us know if it changes anything.

    Best regards,


    It is file compression, when I enable CSS file merging and compression, it fails and changes the URL to http://, if I disable CSS file merging and compression it loads correctly with https://.

    So, replacing enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\php\asset-manager.class.php fixes the external URL problem, but now compression makes it fail with a no secure URL.

    Any fix to have it working correctly?


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by peterolle.


    We released a beta version that should fix this problem – see private content.

    Do not forget to clear server and browser cache, disable enfold compression in theme options, save theme options and enable it again to force a rebuild of the dynamic files.

    Best regards,


    Thank you. I assume this will come out soon and with other fixes, so I rather wait for the official update to update all my sites.

    Glad to know this is fixed in the next version.




    Thanks for your feedback.

    If you could test it on a staging site and let us know that the problem is really fixed would be a great help.

    Thank you for assisting.

    Best regards,

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