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  • #793987

    Sometimes I’ve got http error when uploading images. This happens for about one image in six or ten.
    I’ve disabled all plugins and test. Few images upload http errors.
    I’ve disabled all plugins and Enfold theme. No http error.
    I’ve disabled Enfold theme and enabled all plugins. No http error !
    So it seems to be the enfold theme to cause image upload http errors…
    Could you take a look please ?

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by romano2.

    And the more the image is bigger in Ko, the more I’ve got http errors.
    But it occurs even with 1800px width and 200-300 Ko images…


    Hi romano2,

    Could you enable WordPress debug mode (, try uploading big images again and send us the error log?

    Best regards,


    Ok, the only things to display on top of screen are that :

    Strict Standards: Non-static method MemberAccess::run() should not be called statically in /srv/data/web/vhosts/ on line 40
    Strict Standards: Non-static method MemberAccess::instance() should not be called statically in /srv/data/web/vhosts/ on line 81
    Notice: Undefined index: page in /srv/data/web/vhosts/ on line 30
    Notice: has_cap est appelé avec un argument qui est déprécié depuis la version 2.0.0 ! L’utilisation des niveaux d’utilisateur par les extensions et thèmes est désormais interdite. Utiliser les rôles et capacités à la place. in /srv/data/web/vhosts/ on line 4022
    Notice: get_bloginfo est appelé avec un argument qui est déprécié depuis la version 2.2.0 ! L’option home est obsolète pour l’ensemble des fonctions bloginfo(). Utilisez plutôt l’option url. in /srv/data/web/vhosts/

    After bad upload, when “http error” appears, no more debug text is displayed…

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by romano2.

    And the problem wasn’t here with previous versions of Enfold…


    Hi romano2,

    None of these errors are due to Enfold. These are not the errors we are looking for.
    There could have been configuration changes and/or your provider security or configuration changes.
    Which php are you running?

    Best regards,


    Yop, I saw.
    So I’m running PHP 5.6 / MySQL 5.5 .
    Effectively, I changed the web hosting formula, from SimpleHosting S to SimpleHosting M (
    But the technical characteristics are quite the same. I will ask my hosting provider…


    Sorry, I’ve done a lastest test, without Enfold, and the problem is here.
    So it’s not a specific a problem with Enfold. I will ask my hosting provider…



    alright, let us know if we can be of any help concerning the theme.

    Best regards,


    I inserted the code below in functions.php, and it seems to work now, even with big images.

    add_filter( 'wp_image_editors', 'change_graphic_lib' );
    function change_graphic_lib($array) {
    return array( 'WP_Image_Editor_GD', 'WP_Image_Editor_Imagick' );

    Can be useful for others…



    Thanks for sharing the solution that worked for you :) It would surely help others and we appreciate it. Great Job :)

    Best regards,

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