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  • #1309059

    Hi Support
    Have a client and on –
    The top image section is a Horizontal Gallery
    However, we want it to also auto slide every few seconds.
    Do we need special CSS or is there an image slider that will do that?

    Kind regards


    Hey Dave,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    You can use the script that we provided in the following thread to add an autorotation for the horizontal gallery.


    Best regards,


    That sider automation worked however we are trying to hide it on mobile devices and we can’t make it happen we have these ticked
    – Hide on small screens (between 480px and 767px – eg: Tablet Portrait)
    – Hide on very small screens (smaller than 479px – eg: Smartphone Portrait)

    Also deactivated all Plugins and removed the above code to automate the slider. NO Joy :(

    What we want is a Horizontal sider that looks OK on desktops and Does NOT cut half the images off on Mobiles. We have tried everything….

    Do you have a solution?

    Cheers Dave


    Just a CLARIFICATION of the ABOVE….
    We are looking for an Image Gallery that
    1/ can slide (and can have automated slide)
    2/ can be 3 or 4 columns wide on desktop
    3/ ONLY ONE Row on mobiles (NOT 3 or 4 rows)

    Your help would be greatly appreciated :)
    Cheers Dave



    1.) Is the script working correctly?

    2-3.) For some reason, the display classes do not get added to the element in the front end, which is why the visibility options are not working. Please try to update the theme from version 4.8.3 to version 4.8.4.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael
    Ok, the theme is updated… But still NO joy….

    As the Horizontal gallery doesn’t work on small screens (images get cut off) we have tried hiding it on the Home page Horizontal Gallery > Advanced > Responsive >
    – Hide on small screens (between 480px and 767px – eg: Tablet Portrait)
    – Hide on very small screens (smaller than 479px – eg: Smartphone Portrait)

    OR is there a way we can use another gallery that will
    a/ auto slide if we request
    b/ be 3 or 4 columns wide on desktop
    c/ but ONLY One Row high on any size screen
    d/ the images resolve within the slider (stay completely visible) so they don’t get cut off.

    Kind regards



    We created a test page (see private field) and added the horizontal gallery there but the element visibility settings are still not working correctly. Please update the theme from 4.8.3 to 4.8.5, then toggle or temporarily disable the Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings. Let us know if that helps.

    Best regards,

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