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  • #498796

    There is a “Insert Theme Shortcode” in the text block editor which allow me to add button, icon, notification, etc into the text block easily. However, I want to know if there is an image shortcode.

    I installed tinyMCE plugin into wordpress and allow user to add table in the textblock. My user draw a table and added some images into the table (the images dimension and alignment can’t be done using the enfold editor, so my user used the textblock to create a table and add image into it)

    However, they want the image to have overlay captions. So, I need the textblock to be able to generate the image shortcode for them.


    Hi boscotwcheung!

    Yes, the magic wand icon lets you select images to insert as well. It’s under the “Media Elements” dropdown.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Elliott. But I means in the popup of the enfold text block editor, not in the default wordpress editor.



    The image element is not included in the text block editor because it is already available in the advance layout builder. If you want to add an image shortcode inside a text block, generate the shortcode from a temporary post or page via shortcode wand. Maybe switching the builder to debug mode will help. Please refer to this link:



    Thanks. I used it in the textblock because I need to add the image into a “non-even-column” width table. I can only do this in textblock as I know. I can add the image shortcode. However, this is a bit hard for non-tech user to update the content. So, I would see if there is any user friendly way to do it.



    what do you mean with “non-even-column” width? could you explain further what you are trying to achieve?



    I am still confused on how to find image shortcode?


    Hi IndexGuy14,

    The easiest way to see shortcodes in the Layout Builder is to enable debug mode:

    Best regards,

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