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  • #619012

    Hi Guys,
    Something weird has happened to my website… the images on the first two pages have disappeared, but they are there on the third page..
    Can someone please assist?




    Hi Kriesti support team,
    I would really appreciate it if you could please respond to my problem.
    I contacted my host, and they said is a syntax error with the enfold theme code:

    jquery.js?ver=1.12.3:2 Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: .main_menu .menu li > a[href*=#]

    Could you please rectify the code as soon as you can, so I can fix my website!!!


    Hi Elindsay!

    Thanks for getting in touch with us!

    Please refrain from replying to your own topic, as it sends it down in the queue.

    Please update your Enfold theme to the latest version. You are using a very old version of the theme. You can follow these instructions to update:

    Let me know if you need further assistance.

    Best regards,

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