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  • #203948

    We’re building out a site where we want to make it as easy as possible to create little promotional “blurbs” about upcoming events.
    The “blurb” would, essentially, be a graphic/photo and a line or two of text.
    My questions are:
    Is there a way to easily/quickly add in graphics/photos of the exact same proportional size. Say we’re doing a row of four (4) boxes and want them to all look the same (height/width).
    And I know that there are several sliders/etc., do you have a suggestion as to which one would work best for something like I’m describing?
    Thanks for your help.


    Hi garyguthrie!

    It depends on where you want to add it in and in what context. There are far too many solutions with variable implementations to really give a good breakdown of them.

    Can you give a bit more of a specific example on where you are trying to add this in?



    Below is a sample of what I’d like to do.
    It’s essentially a “row” with three columns (or four or…).
    I need to make this simple for our editors because it will change every single day and they don’t have the time or technical skills to find a photo and edit it.
    I look forward to your thoughts.
    Thanks — and happy new year!


    You could do this with 3 1/3 column shortcodes pretty easily. It would look like this:

    [av_one_third first]
    <your image>
    Here is some text for this image and column.
    <your image>
    Here is some text for this image and column.
    <your image>
    Here is some text for this image and column.

    Devin, on its face, this seems like a good idea. Thanks for doing that for us.
    Before I try it, can I ask a couple of questions?
    Where I see <your image>, does that mean the url of the image?
    And does that mean the image will automatically resize? Remember, that’s the most important component of this setup — the editors don’t have any way to edit photos and I don’t see anything in the theme that allows us to do that easily, but I could be missing something.
    Look forward to your thoughts. You’re the best!


    You will need to add in the image however you normally would. The shortcodes are column containers and will constrain the image to fit inside of it.

    You can add the shortcodes yourself by clicking on the magic wand icon in the buttons whenever you are using the regular visual editor.


    Devin, it seems like a good idea, but not working as we’d planned or as simple as hoped.
    It does constrain the images, but only to a certain degree. Works better on rectangular images but not on square ones.
    The Shortcode options don’t show up in the magic wand, only dropcap and font icon.
    It’s also too “tech’y” for our editors. Is there another, simpler solution? Maybe a photo editor plug-in?
    If not, just let me know and I’ll find a way around it.


    If you are inside of a text element inside of the Advanced Layout Builder then no, they won’t show from the shortcodes button.

    The only other option you could use would be to insert a widget area into your layout and then find a widget that is easier to use than the above method.


    If you are inside of a text element inside of the Advanced Layout Builder then no, they won’t show from the shortcodes button.

    The only other option you could use would be to insert a widget area into your layout and then find a widget that is easier to use than the above method.

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