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  • #24363

    When I insert a picture in a post (normal WP way). And I set the image alignment to left or right, it does not automatically format. Only by hovering over the picture it snaps into place. This happens both in Chrome and Safari (did not test others).



    Do you have Enfold 1.5? It will fix the issue.




    Yep, it’s at 1.5.1. The problem occurs only when I use the “no sidebar” template. It seems to work when one of the other templates are used.

    When using the “no sidebar” template there are other problems, the featured image is not displayed right. It shows only ± 80 pixels of it. Also when inserting a gallery it is not centered but shifted to the right. You might want to have a good look at the no sidebar templates they seem to contain some bugs.



    Can you give us a link to the page with the issue?

    It is working fine on my end. This is the screenshot.




    On the lower part of this post both the left and right aligned images are not automatically snapping into place. I used “.blog-meta {width: 100%!important;}” to fix the featured image.


    Please try following – open up js/avia.js and replace:

    elements.on('mouseenter', function(e)
    var link = $(this),


    var link = $(this),
    current = link.find('img:first');

    if(current.hasClass('alignleft')) link.addClass('alignleft').css({float:'left', margin:0, padding:0});
    if(current.hasClass('alignright')) link.addClass('alignright').css({float:'right', margin:0, padding:0});
    if(current.hasClass('aligncenter')) link.addClass('aligncenter').css({float:'none','text-align':'center', margin:0, padding:0});

    elements.on('mouseenter', function(e)
    var link = $(this),


    Works, thanks! :)

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