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  • #1306761

    Hi there!

    I´m using an iframe to show an image by clicking another image.
    You can have a look at the result here:
    It´s the “image-button” “FOCUS Top Mediziner 2021” in the right side of the big image. While viewed in Firefox the displayed content perfectly adjusts to the iframe dimensions. Unfortunately Google Chrome does not adjust the content and cuts it off. Is there a way (“on the enfold side”) how I could force all browsers to adjust the iframe content to show 100% of the image?

    Thanks a lot in advance!


    Hi Marco,

    I can’t see any differences on my end when comparing Chrome and Firefox, could you post a screenshot highlighting the problem please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard!

    Here´s a screenshot – same site, same time. On the left monitor the site is opened in Firefox, on the right one it´s opened in Chrome. Chrome is cropping the content.

    Thanks and Greetz



    Thank you for the update.

    What happens when you remove the iframe=true parameter in the image URL? You do not have to add the parameter because the theme already applies lightbox on images such as png.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael!

    Aaaah! Thanks a lot man, that does the trick. Shame on me. I already use this method in another part of the same site, but couldn´t remember.

    Thanks again. Great support as always. Feel free to close the topic.



    Hi Marco,

    Great, I’m glad that Ismael could help you out, and thanks for the update. I’ll go ahead and close this thread for now then, please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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