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  • #840052

    Hello Krisi Team,
    is it possible to show the icons from Icon or Icon Box Function in an rectangle with rounded edges instead in a circle?

    And the second question is it possible to use my own graphics without converting to an “font”

    Many thanks



    Hey cosburg,

    1st question: Yes, it’s possible, just add this css code in Quick CSS (located in Enfold > General Styling):

    #top .iconbox_left_content .iconbox_icon, 
    #top .iconbox_right_content .iconbox_icon {
        border-radius: 5px;

    Just change the border-radius value.

    2nd question: I think it’s possible though there’s no option for that and you would need to tweak some theme files, unfortunately this customization would take some time and outside the scope of our support :(

    Best regards,

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