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  • #1428774

    Hi guys,
    I’m keen to include an icon list on my website and wanting to use some icons I’ve found from canvas. At the moment all I can see in font icon is entypo-fontello and lifestyle. Are you able to point me in the right direction of how I’m able to upload my own icons or otherwise access som more options? I did try to install a plug in but was having issues with getting it to activate.


    Hey katewoods94,
    Thanks for your question, the icons used in the Enfold theme, such as in the icon element, are in a icon-font format and not in a image format that most icons are when you download them.
    You can download the icon-fonts from and add them in the theme setting Enfold Theme Options ▸ Import/Export ▸ Iconfont Manager, or you can use icons found elsewhere and convert them into the SVG file type and upload them into and create your own custom icon-fonts. Note that sometimes Fontello can be picky, so here is a way to fix them.
    Please note that icon-fonts can not have colors, so if you want to use color icons you should upload the images to your media library and then use css to show the images.
    One clever way to do this is to use a built-in icon-font that you would probably never use and then use some css to replace it with your icon image, see this thread.

    Best regards,

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