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  • #535959


    really excited to use “Icon Fonts Manager” to upload new fonts to “Just Icon | Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer” but sadly the progress wheel just seems to run forever and the new font is never installed

    considered possibility that i created new font in wrong way so tried again 3x just using different fonts from “Fontellico” here:

    but no luck – zip uploads but font is never installed – please advise


    Hey aguldbeck!

    you are using an old version of the theme, so please upgrade to Enfold v3.4.2 and check out this video tutorial:



    Hi andy, updated my parent theme and watched video

    But unfortunately I cant seem to locate “Icon Font Manager” anywhere in theme options

    Per the video it should be under “general settings” but I am simply not seeing it

    please advise




    DO get option to add new font icon via the plugin mentioned in my initial inquiry (Ultimate VC Addons)

    and that does seem to be leveraging or relying on or using Icon font manager in some way

    However despite having updated the theme and all plugins, result is the same – timer wheel simply spins with no resolution

    please advise


    Hi, don’t have bandwidth to keep checking this thread, but if you do find a tutorial for font icons that is more recent than 2013 and shows the same back-end interface as on the current build of enfold please do let me know, have checked option to “Notify me of follow-up replies via email”




    i tried to upload example fonts to your installation and it worked fine. Please see screenshot in private content field.
    Can you please download new font icons from and send it to us so we can try to install fonts for you?

    Best regards,


    Hi guys,

    thanks for reply, made a quick (2 min) movie showing what i am doing and where process is stalling out, please take a look at let me know what I am doing wrong. thanks!



    Hey Alex!

    Two things i noticed.
    – Please enter a name for the font package before downloading it from Fontello
    – You are not using Advanced Layout Builder but Visual composer. I am not sure how to insert fonts for visual composer. After download the font icons, please go to Enfold theme options > Import & Export and upload your icons there and they should be available on icon elements of Advanced Layout Builder :)

    Thank you for not making an hour long video! ;D


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