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  • #22350

    Hello, I’m AlexiaNin, I tried to put the unfixed header, selecting all the header types, except Small fixed headed, logically, and also I tried in diferent sizes but does not work for me. I like when header with menu scroll dawn when you navigate.

    Also my Logo appears not well centered and too much space below than in top, and looks like not so well.

    Can you help me?

    (Sorry for my poor english)



    Hi AlexiaNin,

    I’m not quite sure what you mean. The only header options that are available are those in the theme settings>header. If you wanted something outside of that, you can request it in the Feature request topic here:




    I know what you mean. I try all the settings header but my header still fixed. Thanks


    Make sure to clear your browser cache by refreshing the page 3-4 times after making a change. At the very least the option for small non fixed header will definitely not be fixed as I have that on my personal site:




    Thank you. Now it is working!!!!



    Glad it’s working now.



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