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  • #1426492

    Since I switched to Gutenberg a few weeks ago, nothing but problems.. H! buts up against header.
    Content shift on most pages.

    It is either gutenberg or Enfold causing the problems Spend hours a day looking for code errors and don’t find them.

    No time to do seo on my site


    Hey daves1997,
    It sounds like you first created a page using the Enfold Advanced Layout Builder (ALB) and then “switched” to the Gutenberg builder, please note that this will cause trouble, they don’t work together like that. So if you want to use the Gutenberg please only use it and then add your own spacing and blocks in the Gutenberg editor, and note that the Enfold ALB spcacing will not be applied. If you want to use Gutenberg try searching on YouTube for how to add spacing and adjust the layout the way you want. I tried using Gutenberg on my test site but found it so difficult that I won’t use it, I disabled it at Enfold Theme Options ▸ Select Your Editor ▸ Use WP Classic Editor, the Classic Editor is much easier to use.

    Best regards,


    I hate gutenberg. Iwas told they are not update legacy wordpress. so I had to use Gutenberg.
    Will classic be updated?


    h1 still butting against header


    The Classic Editor will not get new features, so in that term it will not be “updated” but it’s not going away, so you can always use it in the future.
    Please see this article: How to Add or Remove Blank Space Between WordPress Blocks (4 Ways)
    If you need space at the top of your posts that you created with the Classic Editor then please link to one, I didn’t find one. If you need space at the top of a post that was created with the ALB, then use the space element, like the post linked below.
    But please remember to not “switch” posts or pages from one editor to another, the editors are not switchable.

    Best regards,




    Here are three. I could show you hundreds if neccessary.


    So for example /village-walk/ is a page and not a post, nonetheless you can add a top padding with this css:

    #top.page-template-default .container_wrap_first {
    	padding-top: 50px;

    please adjust the 50px to suit.

    Best regards,


    and that works for all pages and no content shift?



    Thank you for the update.

    Yes, the modification should affect all pages. If you want this to apply to a specific page, please provide the page URL in the private field, and we’ll adjust the code accordingly.

    Best regards,

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