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  • #931731

    I delete by mistake my EnFold SQL Database I reinstall the WordPress and the theme but I want to upload my PHP files I mean the website pages (homepage, Services, portfolio, etc)
    But I don’t know how to recover this pages, I really need to recover the text from each page and of course is that is possible the layout I spend tons of time customizing each one.
    It was months of dedication to build a great website.

    I have a backup I made using the backup options provided by my hosting company (HostGator)

    Hope anyone can help me. Thanks

    Thank you


    Hey helmerh,
    If I understand correctly, you deleted your database and re-installed WordPress and Enfold.
    Now you would like to get your content back?
    Unfortunately your content was stored in the database that you deleted.
    Luckily you have a backup, you will need to restore your backup.
    Please ask your webhost to assist, as every type of backup is different and they know best how to use their backup best.

    Best regards,

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