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  • #640020

    Since the latest update, I’ve been having some problems to upload images, when the size is over 200 kb.
    The images still load on the website, (although not every time) and I can use them in any page and they will appear normally, but the thumbnails in media library have no image.
    Most of the times, I have an http error when I upload (but when I look in the media library, the image has most of the times uploaded with no thumbnail).
    I’ve tried several suggestions you posted (deleted cache, different browsers), but with no luck.
    I’ve got WP 4.5.2, with Enfold 3.5.4 and all the plugins are up to date. Everything was working fine before.

    Here are several snapshots:

    View post on imgur.com

    View post on imgur.com

    View post on imgur.com

    Website: http://www.lifeterapias.com


    Hey ax2201,

    Please send us a temporary admin login so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Best regards,


    Ok, here it is.
    The site is in portuguese.
    If there is anything you don’t understand, please contact me. Thanks.



    It looks like your site is down, please check and get back to us.



    Sorry, I had forgotten to give you the administrator rights… All is fixed now.



    Working now, thanks. Could you try deactivating all plugins to see if one of them is causing a conflict please?



    Hi, it is not working on my side. Still get the same http error and still no thumbnails. I’ve deactivated all the plugins, with no success.



    I was referring to your site in general, did you try deactivating all plugin to see if there is a conflict coming from any of them?

    Best regards,


    Yes, I have deactivated all of them, with no success.



    The site is down again. Please contact your hosting provider so that they can fix this issue.

    This site can’t be reached

    http://www.lifeterapias.com’s server DNS address could not be found.
    Search Google for life terapias

    Best regards,


    Sorry again, somehow there’s been an error in the url.
    The right url is http://www.lifeterapias.com.br



    Can you please activate a different theme, upload a big file and let us know the results after?
    That will help understand if the issue is from enfold or from your server.

    Thanks a lot

    Best regards,


    I’ve updated to 3.6. Same problem. Activated the twenty fourteen and uploaded a 400 kb file. Same problem.
    It does mean that it is not theme related?
    I will contact the service provider and let you know.



    If it’s not working with one of the default themes then it’s likely not theme related, I would try contacting your hosting provider to see if they know what is going on. We’ll keep this thread open in case you should need any further help from us.

    Best regards,


    Was a server issue. A php old version and configuration problem. See below (in portuguese):

    Aparentemente a dificuldade ocorria devido a versão do PHP utilizada em sua conta ou algumas configurações do PHP que não estavam ativadas. Realizamos a atualização para a versão 5.5 e modificamos algumas configurações através de um arquivo php.ini. Notamos que em seu WordPress, quando ocorre o erro de upload ele adiciona a imagem a sua biblioteca de mídia, o que está errado. Por esse motivo não consegue visualizar as imagens. Por gentileza, remova os arquivos que não são exibidos corretamente em sua biblioteca de mídia e os reenvie, um por um. Você consegue ver que enviamos algumas imagens com tamanhos e formatos diferentes a sua conta.

    You can close the thread. Thank you.



    Glad it’s sorted :)
    To know more about enfold features please check – http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/
    Thank you for using Enfold!

    Best regards,

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