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  • #516130

    I’m getting really tired of this generic uninformational error. I get it randomly when trying to upload peg images to my site. Last time I got it was abotu 2 months ago, to fix it I had to change the permissions on all the photos on my site. It is a photography site so we are talking 10-100 k’s of images. It takes hours to complete. This can’t be the standard. I have had this enforl theme ever sense you started selling it. This problem is very new. What gives.

    I have godaddy as my domain host. I can show a screen shot, but literaly I just get http error when trying to upload.

    for reference I was able to upload last night with no issues. Nothing has changed now today I can’t upload.


    Hey allegrabillings!

    Sounds like a server issue. Have you contacted GoDaddy?

    What happens when the default theme is activated?



    Im at work now, but what do mean by default? wordpress 2014 theme. Or enfold with no child theme?

    so for reference. at home I am using windows 7 and chrome. still doesn’t work this morning.

    at work I am using yosemitie and chrome. and it is working.



    Yes, does it work if you activate for instance Twentyfifteen or Twentyfourteen? Please send us a temporary admin login so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.



    I sent the link and login below. So It is working right now on the mac again as I am at work. Yesterday, when I logged on at home on the windows PC it was working just fine again, I uploaded about a 100 photos and made 4 blog posts. Then I logged off, ate lunch, and when I logged back in 30 minutes later I couldn’t upload any more images, I started to get the HTTP error again.

    It seams completely random. When the error was active I tried windows explorer instead of my normal chrome browser and still got the error. I was unable to test a different theme at that time.



    It very much sounds like a hosting problem, did you try to contact your host about the problem? If so, what did they say?



    not yet, trying to call GoDaddy is usually a nightmare.

    What kinds of things should I ask about? Say etc? I don’t know too much about servers and hosting.

    As well as If I wanted to change host providers and get away form GoDaddy, on a newbie scale how hard is it to transfer over without messing up the entire site and links?



    I would just explain your problem exactly as it is, they will most likely ask you to deactivate all plugins and try with the default theme. So if you haven’t done that already, please try to do so. I’m pretty sure this isn’t a theme/plugin related problem but you never know.

    If you want to change hosting it shouldn’t be too difficult, you can use a plugin like this for example to export your whole database: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-migrate-db/.


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