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  • #639419

    I ran an html validator and received the following errors:
    Stray end tag noscript.
    From line 149, column 3; to line 149, column 13
    ipt=1″ ↩/></noscript> ↩<!–
    Error: Stray end tag head.
    From line 173, column 1; to line 173, column 7
    Error: Start tag body seen but an element of the same type was already open.
    From line 178, column 1; to line 178, column 148
    head>↩↩↩↩↩<body id=”top” class=”home page page-id-11 page-template-default stretched open_sans ” itemscope=”itemscope” itemtype=”; >↩↩ ↩ <
    Fatal Error: Cannot recover after last error. Any further errors will be ignored.
    From line 178, column 1; to line 178, column 148
    head>↩↩↩↩↩<body id=”top” class=”home page page-id-11 page-template-default stretched open_sans ” itemscope=”itemscope” itemtype=”; >↩↩ ↩ <

    It appears the theme adds an extra body tag? Anyone else having this issue?


    Hey lyntonweb,

    Please deactivate all plugins one by one to check which one is causing this issue and let us know if this solves the problem.
    In addition to that, please let us know if we are allowed to deactivate one or more of your plugins as well for testing purposes :)

    Best regards,


    Is it possible to do that in the staging area?


    I deactivated each plugin one by one and that did not fix the issue.



    This might clear things up:

    Best regards,

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