Tagged: mouseover
Dear Sirs,
when I use the fullslider, I like to stop the motion on mouseover to give the visitor or the website more time to read the content.
There is a function inside \wp-content\themes\enfold\config-layerslider\LayerSlider\static\js\ls-admin-slider-builder.js
// Init layerslider
width: width,
height: height,
responsive: false,
skin: ‘preview’,
skinsPath: pluginPath + ‘skins/’,
animateFirstLayer: true,
firstLayer: LS_activeSlideIndex + 1,
autoStart: false,
pauseOnHover: true,
autoPlayVideos: autoPlayVideos,
cbInit: function(){
cbTimeLineStart: function(g,d){
if( g.nextLayerIndex == jQuery(‘#ls-layer-tabs .active’).index() + 1 ){
but it seems that this change is not going to work for the fullslider or I just did it on wrong spot. Can you help me directing me to a solution for stopping the motion on mouse-over? Or are there some settings I don’t know to archive this.
Hey Ralf Behrendt,
This is the function for the Layer Slider, not the full-width slider. Which slider are you using?
Could you please give us a link to your website, we need more context to be able to help you.
Best regards,
Do you have any tipp howto solve this?
Ralf Behrendt