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  • #1020704

    I’m using the Portfolio Grid element in a page with the Ajax Portfolio options enabled. And in my portfolio posts I have the Display Preview Images option set to Slideshow.
    As a result, in the front end, when I click on a portfolio item from the grid, the corresponding content shows up but all the images are weirdly cropped and I don’t seem to have any control over the crop.

    So my question is:
    How can I turn off the cropping of the images in the Ajax Portfolio?

    Many thanks


    Hey kidcabide,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Can we have access to the site? You can use the “avf_ajax_preview_image_size” filter to adjust the slideshow preview thumbnail size, which is set to “gallery” thumbnail by default.


    Best regards,


    Thanks, that worked!
    I searched a bit before posting but apparently I didn’t find that particular answer.
    Thanks a lot!



    You’re welcome! Please open a new thread if you need anything else. :)

    Best regards,

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