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  • #176689

    I have comments disabled and only want to have the date display (without “0 comments”). I have followed the instructions here, first in my child theme and then in Enfold, but this solution doesn’t work for the Post Slider content element. Thanks for your assistance.



    Can you post the link to your website please?



    It’s a dev site with restricted access (I can make login possible if necessary) but hopefully this screenshot will illustrate the issue.


    I am using a child theme for basic modifications and this appears to be standard Post Slider formatting that I would like to simplify to be date-only, as comments are disabled on this site. Thanks!


    Apologies. I thought comments were disabled on all of the posts and they were not. That did the trick.



    Glad you figured it out! Let us know if you have any other questions

    Best regards,

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