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  • #1214079

    Hello Friends,
    In the site I am putting together, I created service portfolio items and assingned categories to them. In the Services page, I am showing all the portfolio items and I am using a left side bar. I created a specific sidebar with “Enfold Custom Widget Area” and dragged the “Enfold Latest Portfolio” to this widget. This is working fine.

    However, the Portfolio items that show up in the sidebar come with the Title, a second line with time/date info and the thumbnail on the right. I need to have just the Title showing up. I have found out that the code below loaded to Quick CSS will solve my problem:

    .sidebar {
    display:none !important;
    .sidebar {
    display: none !important;

    However, this wil laffect the “Enfold Latest Blog” widget that I have in the Blog page, and I do not like it. I need the Blog widget to work as it is and just the Portfolio widget to be affected.

    Is that possible ? Can you please provide me some guidance on how to do that ?

    Thanks a lot.
    PS: I am in love with Enfold theme. You guys rock !!


    Hey Carlos,

    Thanks for the kind words :-)

    Could you post a link to where we can see the elements in question please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard:

    Please check the Private Content area for the link to the site. My apologies, the texts are in Portuguese, but I will try to drive you through ;-).

    I have addes a testing page for you, it is “KRIESI.AT TEST” right after the CONTATO (= Contacts) tab on the right in the Main Menu area. Get into it and scroll down a bit and right after the orange block, you will see on the left, a sidebar and the first widget is the “Enfold Latest Portfolio” element. I applied the codes I provided earlier in the Quick CSS area.

    This is actually the result I am looking for. BUT, if you now go to the BLOG page, you will see in the sidebar on the right, that the first widget, ÚLTIMOS POSTS (= Latest Posts) that is holding the “Enfold Latest Posts” element got affected too, I mean, date/time and thumbnail disapeared, and I do not want that.

    I would like this element to show the standar behaviour, with the Title, date/time and thumbnai, an JUST the “Enfold Latest Portfolio” element in the “KRIESI.AT TEST” page to be affected.

    Not sure if that is possible. Need your guidance.

    Thanks a lot.


    Hi Carlos,

    Thanks for that. Please try replacing your current CSS with this:

    .sidebar {
      display: none;
    .sidebar {
      display: none;
    .page-id-43 .sidebar {
      display: block;
    .page-id-43 .sidebar {
      display: block;

    Best regards,


    Thank you so much, Rikard:
    I understand what you did. This is exactly what I am looking for. Very much appreciated. You are the man !


    Hi Carlos,

    Glad you got it working for you with Rikard’s help! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,

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