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    I want to be able to collect Vimeo’s analytics for a Vimeo video I am inserting onto a page. How should I therefore create the layout in Enfold?

    Based on my experience with Enfold and also this thread last updated in March 2020,
    I believe there are two ways of setting a Vimeo video into a layout:
    1) Use the Video element; insert the video’s Vimeo URL
    2) Use an image of my choice; insert it into the Image element; place the Vimeo URL on the image
    Image > Advanced > Image Link Settings > Set manually (insert URL) and Open in New Window

    Here is what happens:
    1) Video element
    The image that shows up is the thumbnail, plus the viewing controls, that I chose in Vimeo for the video.
    – On that image, in the lower right corner it says “Vimeo.” Clicking on that takes me to Vimeo’s homepage,
    – In the lower left corner is the “play” arrow symbol. Clicking on that starts the video playing within that image-box on the page. I can make it go full screen by hitting the full-screen command in the lower right corner.

    2) Image element
    The video automatically opens in a lightbox. The lightbox shows the same thumbnail plus the same viewing controls that show up in #1. I can then start it playing by hitting the “play” arrow symbol etc. The only difference is that it opens in a lightbox.

    On either or both of these layout options, is the video actually playing via Vimeo’s website?
    If so, will the viewing session get added to Vimeo’s analytics?
    Example: Before I click “play” on the video in either the Video element or the Image element, its Vimeo analytics show 9 views. After I click “play,” in the Vimeo analytics will I see 10 views?

    My ultimate goal is to create the layout so that any views of the video that take place via our website show up in the video’s Vimeo analytics.


    Hey missouriartscouncil,
    Thank you for your patience, according to this article from Vimeo

    The view rate for your video is simply your views divided by your impressions. We count an impression every time the Vimeo player loads your video, either on or embedded, and we count a view every time someone hits the play button on your video.

    So you should be seeing counts from videos embedded on your site, but the key point I see in this explanation is that …your views [are] divided by your impressions… while this is typical for analytics you should note that it is not an exact one-for-one measurement, which is fine if your looking at 10k views a day, but not so much if your looking at 20 views a day.
    I don’t see anything specific that we can do to change this and I hope this helps.

    Best regards,


    That’s very helpful; thanks!


    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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