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  • #1473160


    i added a animated style to a button, which works well:

    /* Basisstil für alle Buttons */
    .avia-button, .avia-button.avia-size-small, .avia-button.avia-size-large {
        display: inline-flex; /* Flexbox für zentrierten Inhalt */
        justify-content: center; /* Horizontale Zentrierung */
        align-items: center; /* Vertikale Zentrierung */
        font-weight: 800; /* Fettschrift */
        text-align: center;
        white-space: nowrap;
        vertical-align: middle;
        user-select: none;
        border: 2px solid #ff3366; /* Rahmenfarbe */
        padding: 0.95rem 2.5rem; /* Innenabstand */
        font-size: 1rem; /* Schriftgröße */
        line-height: 1; /* Zeilenhöhe */
        border-radius: 100px; /* Abgerundete Ecken */
        color: #ffffff !important; /* Schriftfarbe Weiß */
        font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif; /* Schriftart */
        letter-spacing: 0.25px; /* Buchstabenabstand */
        text-transform: uppercase; /* Großbuchstaben */
        background-color: #ff3366; /* Hintergrundfarbe */
        position: relative; /* Für die Animation */
        overflow: hidden; /* Inhalt begrenzen */
        transition: all 300ms ease-in-out; /* Sanfter Übergang */
    /* Stil für den Text und die Pfeile */
    .avia-button span {
        display: inline-flex; /* Flexbox für Text und Pfeile */
        align-items: center; /* Vertikale Zentrierung */
        transition: transform 300ms ease-in-out; /* Sanfte Bewegung */
    /* Stil für die Pfeile */
    .avia-button span::after {
        content: ">>"; /* Pfeile */
        opacity: 0; /* Unsichtbar im Standardzustand */
        position: absolute;
        color: #ffffff; /* Pfeile in Weiß */
        font-size: 1rem;
        font-weight: 800;
        left: 100%; /* Start direkt rechts neben dem Text */
        margin-left: 1ch; /* Zwei Leerzeichen Abstand */
        transition: opacity 300ms ease-in-out, transform 300ms ease-in-out;
    /* Hover-Effekt für den Text */
    .avia-button:hover span {
        transform: translateX(-1ch); /* Text verschiebt sich leicht nach links */
    /* Hover-Effekt für die Pfeile */
    .avia-button:hover span::after {
        opacity: 1; /* Pfeile werden sichtbar */
        transform: translateX(0); /* Pfeile bleiben an ihrer Position */

    Now i’m trying to have the same effect on the read more button from the blog, but it seems not to work properly.
    What am i missing here?

    kind regards



    Hey Jak73,
    When I check it seems to be working:
    Screen Shot 2024 12 08 at 7.55.27 AM
    I’m not sure that I see a difference:
    Screen Shot 2024 12 08 at 7.56.49 AM

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    that’s right, it looks very similar, but i’m trying to get the same animation, but on the blog-page – for any reason – the smooth move of the text to left (with the hover), does not work for the blog page?
    Any idea?
    kind regards


    It looks like the css above is not what you are using for the read more buttons, as they don’t have the “avia-button” class.
    The two buttons don’t have the same structure.

    Best regards,


    with a slightly edited postslider.php as child-theme element you can have this DOM Structure:

    lines 876ff

    $permalink = '<div class="read-more-link"><a href="' . get_permalink( $the_id ) . '" class="more-link"><span class="read-more-text">' . __( 'Read more', 'avia_framework' ) . '</span><span class="more-link-arrow"></span></a></div>';
    $prepare_excerpt = ! empty( $entry->post_excerpt ) ? $entry->post_excerpt : avia_backend_truncate( $entry->post_content, apply_filters( 'avf_postgrid_excerpt_length', $excerpt_length ), apply_filters( 'avf_postgrid_excerpt_delimiter', ' ' ), '…', true, '' );

    then it might be possible to have the same effect and a flex will make sense.


    Good morning Guenni,
    thanks for your reply!
    So i’ll copy postslider.php, replace lines at 876 and load it into my child-theme folder, right?
    kind regards


    try it – if it does not work ;) you can delete it afterwards. But default folder for those child-theme ALB elements is “shortcodes”
    and if you got this snippet inside your child-theme functions.php they are loaded instead:

    function avia_include_shortcode_template($paths){
      $template_url = get_stylesheet_directory();
          array_unshift($paths, $template_url.'/shortcodes/');
      return $paths;
    add_filter('avia_load_shortcodes', 'avia_include_shortcode_template', 15, 1);

    maybe this is then the way it works:

    ok – try now – change to your needs and transition timings:

    /*** ===============================***/
    /* Basisstil für alle Weiter Lesen "buttons" */
    .more-link {
      display: inline-flex !important; /* Flexbox für zentrierten Inhalt */
      flex-flow: row nowrap;
      justify-content: center; /* Horizontale Zentrierung */
      align-items: center; /* Vertikale Zentrierung */
      font-weight: 800; /* Fettschrift */
      text-align: center !important;
      white-space: nowrap;
      vertical-align: middle;
      user-select: none;
      border: 2px solid #ff3366 !important; /* Rahmenfarbe */
      padding: 0.95rem 2.5rem 0.95rem 2rem !important; /* Innenabstand */
      font-size: 1rem; /* Schriftgröße */
      line-height: 1rem; /* Zeilenhöhe */
      border-radius: 100px !important; /* Abgerundete Ecken */
      color: #ffffff !important; /* Schriftfarbe Weiß */
      font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif; /* Schriftart */
      letter-spacing: 0.25px; /* Buchstabenabstand */
      text-transform: uppercase; /* Großbuchstaben */
      background-color: #ff3366; /* Hintergrundfarbe */
      position: relative; /* Für die Animation */
      overflow: hidden; /* Inhalt begrenzen */
      transition: all 300ms ease-in-out; /* Sanfter Übergang */
      width: auto !important;
    /* Stil für den Text und die Pfeile */
    .more-link span {
      display:  inline-flex; /* Flexbox für Text und Pfeile */
      flex: 0 1 auto;
      transition: all 700ms ease-in-out; /* Sanfte Bewegung */
      padding: 0px;
    .more-link:hover span {
      padding: 0 3px;
    /* Stil für die Pfeile */
    .more-link .more-link-arrow::after {
      content: ">>"; /* Pfeile */
      font-family : inherit;
      opacity: 0; /* Unsichtbar im Standardzustand */
      visibility: hidden;
      position: absolute;
      top: 14px;
      right: 0.5ch;
      color: #ffffff; /* Pfeile in Weiß */
      font-size: inherit;
      font-weight: 800;
      line-height: inherit;
      transition: all 700ms ease-in-out;
    /* Hover-Effekt für die Pfeile */
    .more-link:hover .more-link-arrow::after {
      visibility: visible;
      opacity: 1; /* Pfeile werden sichtbar */
    .more-link:hover .read-more-text {
      transform: translateX(-1ch); /* Text verschiebt sich leicht nach links */

    Hi Guenni,
    thank you very much i’ll try it now.

    Just for my understanding:
    i create a new folder with “shortcodes” in child-theme folder.
    Then i change postslider.pho at line 876ff and upload it to child-theme>shortcodes.
    Than i add the other code to my function.php child-theme, right?
    kind regards


    This is a real good docu – unfortunately, there is too little research being done here

    PS : above there are the two lines listed ( 876 and 877 newest Enfold 6.0.8) – but only the 876 has been changed .
    but i guess it is easier to replace that little block of those two lines.


    Hi Guenni,
    thank you so much. It really looks very nice now.
    kind regards

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