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  • #1012851

    Good day everybody,

    I would like to create a portfolio like the one you can check on the link attached in private content.

    I am intrested not on the head structure of menu or on the brown material (image stretched from left to right), but just on the 3 columns of square images you see down.

    I would like to know:
    1. in order to create a style like that (3 columns with the space between images), is better to create it by “grid portfolio”/”Masonry” or just a page with inside “elements of layout” > 1/3 “cell, or some other way?

    2. once this has been clarified, how can space the images from one another?

    3. After this, how can i add the name of each image as it looks like on that website?

    I hope I explained myself.

    Thank you so much!


    Hey Matsky1,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    1.) You can use the “Portfolio Grid” but you won’t have the hover effect or overlay. I think you’re better off using the Column and the Image elements.

    2.) Adjust the margin or padding. You’ll find both options in the Columns panel.

    3.) Add the image title as captions and then set it to display on hover.

    Best regards,


    Thank you Ismael, i will try it.
    Best regards.


    Hi Ismael,
    i still cannot figure out some issue.
    I created 3 colums as you suggested and the image elements.
    I adjusted the margin and padding (in columns panel) but did not find the setting wished…

    1. i would like to change the size of my images, trying to make it as similar as possible to the website linked down. i changed the size by deafult
    but still cannot find the right size i want. Do yuo have any CSS code to suggest e in order to make it similar to that website down? Thanks so

    2. i have 3 columns. In order to decrease the space between the images is there any defaut setting i can use or i need CSS code?

    Thank yuo for your attention.


    Hi Matsky1,

    The website given in private is not using Enfold. Which theme are you using there?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,
    the website i wrote you previously is not mine and i do not know how they created.
    I am using Enfold (attached my website link) and i would like to have similar image size and space between each image like that website.

    Thank you for your fast answer.


    almost forgot. on my website the portfolio i am working in is on: MATERIALI > MARMI


    Hi Matsky1,

    Are those going to be just images or portfolio items? It is better to use the masonry with 3 columns and large gaps.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    Actually they are just images.
    When i go over the image i would like it appears the name of it, and when i click on it i d like it becomes bigger size. Thats. it. Exactly as works in the website linked in the private content.

    I am trying to create 3 columns as Ismael suggested me exactly like the website (link in private chat) which is not mine website.

    i will post a link down here where you can see my issue:

    as you can see i wuold like space (A) and space (B). in order to edit space, margin and so on exactly this way, should i use any CSS code?
    Thank you


    Hi Matsky1,

    The functionality you want is available in the masonry gallery, I think, it is what you should use.
    It will have text on hover and you the spacing will be better.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,
    thanks for your answer. I m trying to use Masonry as you suggested.

    But how can i change space between image trying to get this: (space A and space B)

    is it possible with masonry? if yes, how can i do that?

    thank you.


    Hi Matsky1,

    Yes, masonry has a few options for the gaps between images.
    Image 2018-09-28 at 17.59.59.png

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Thank you Victoria. i did it!

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