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  • #357273

    I hope I’m missing something fairly obvious, but I can’t find settings or documentation on how to customize my archive pages.

    I want to apply a slightly modified Grid Layout, with 5 columns, title and excerpt only + read more, etc. Those settings are not available if I choose “Grid Layout” in the Blog Layout tab of the main dashboard. Using the “Use Advanced Layout” option and inserting a Grid-based “blog” element into the page I can set up as my main blog page how I want it, but then my archive pages look totally different, given the default look, not even default grid-based.

    Please and thanks for any assistance,
    – Greg


    Yikes. I just found this in the docs, and I really hope it’s not the only way. It says you need to add this stuff to functions.php.

    add_filter('avf_blog_style','avia_change_category_blog_layout', 10, 2); 
    function avia_change_category_blog_layout($layout, $context){
    if($context == 'archive') $layout = 'single-small';
    return $layout;

    As customizable and well thought out as Enfold is, I can’t believe adding code to functions.php is the only way to make simple changes to the default blog layout. : / If that’s really/unfortunately the case, some explanation or more instruction would be nice.



    Yes you would need to add that to the functions.php file of your child theme. If you don’t have a child theme yet then you can download our starter child theme here, http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/downloads/.

    To make it 5 columns then drag over the archive.php template from Enfold into your child theme folder and change line 45 from this.

    'columns' => 3,

    To this.

    'columns' => 5,



    There is a list of option for $layout = ‘single-small’; ?
    I dont find the list with meta and exerpt that I did with post in my own blog page.


    @bubaweb sorry for the very late reply, this filter has 3 options, please try each one to find the one you like:

    Best regards,

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