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  • #1201854

    I found that Category Pages is a good method to improve the hierarchy of my website. It can help people surf my website more effectively and make every content on my site more organized.
    But in Enfold, the Category Page can not customize like a Landing Page. It only has a title, Description. The Description can be the content for these Page, shown on the top of these pages. But many problems to customize the description with the default editor provided by WordPress. The CSS in my site also does not apply for this content any more.
    How to customize the category pages?
    My purpose is
    – Add some text content on the Top
    – Show series of post in sub-categories of this category below in lines (ex: Sub-1: series posts 1, Sub-2: series posts 2)
    – Remove the posts automatic pulled from default Category Page (Bottom of these pages)
    – Does any WordPress Plugin make my life is better?
    I research on the Internet and have some advice
    – Make a new template for each Category Page? I wonder this approach work, does it make my site bigger than it needed because many PHP files loaded.
    – Customize in the Description area? Like I said above, CSS does not apply for this area, how can I do that right way?
    – Redirect the Category Page to another customized Landing Page. If nothing effective, I will use this approach, I don’t like taking a detour
    Please help me, I have spent a lot of time to research but still no optimal way.


    Hey NHAT TAN,

    Could you please attach a mockup of what you’re trying to achieve?

    These are the ways to customize the category pages for now:

    Best regards,


    Hey NHAT TAN,

    Could you please attach a mockup of what you’re trying to achieve?

    These are the ways to customize the category pages for now:

    Best regards,

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