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  • #477529

    I’m really confused,

    The shortcodes I want to use for woocommerce are greyed out unless its a “Single Product Page”

    I can’t seem to figure this out.

    Would appreciate it if you can let me know how, thanks.


    Hey windustries!

    Can you let us know, which of the shortcodes you are referring, what you are trying to build?

    Best regards,


    Hi Balis,

    I want to create a page like this demo,

    Basically a page where I can use short codes to add in product descripts and add-to cart buttons.

    But these shortcodes are greyed out when I start a new page… And when they aren’t greyed out in a product page it shows up all weird.



    Thank you for using Enfold.

    There are specific plugin shortcodes that you can only use on a specific post type. Unfortunately, you can’t enable them on other post types. An example is the “Product Purchase Button” element. You can only use this element on a product item.




    Can you please explain how that page was created?




    That is a product page or item. Create a page then add the product specific shortcodes.


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