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  • #204661

    Hello guys,
    sorry for beginner questions, but what do i have to do if i want to create an image-overview like on the enfold-example-page: with description and link?
    I tried it with galeries, but the pictures were not that close to each other. I tried it with a portfolio grid – but where do the pictures come from?
    You see…a newbie here on the enfold theme…
    Thx for answering !!!


    Hi oeconomedicus!

    You should just add new portfolio items and then add one of portfolio elements to your page to display them.
    You can find documentation on creating new portfolio items here
    Please see Video tutorials here
    and new Enfold documentation here



    Cheers Ygit,

    the link and the documentation itself only shows WHAT´S possible but not how to do it. So, sorry: my question is not answered yet…

    I´m trying out now for several hours and becoming crazy…

    If i create a gallery it´s not possible to put links in the pictures. Also the pictures are not fitting to each other like on the page i mentioned in my post…

    If i create a fullwidth masonry gallery the links i set to each picture leads to 404…

    I am really despairing in the moment…

    PLEASE a step-by-step tipp to my question like:

    …in the portfolio section…:

    Step 1: ?
    Step 2: ?

    Step n: ?

    Then on a page:

    Step 1: ?
    Step 2: ?

    Step n: ?

    …and no documentation what´s all possible… This also as the asked feedback.

    Thx a lot in advance!




    Start from the “Creating a Portfolio” section. Each portfolio item is just like any other page of content. You can have any content you want on a single portfolio page.

    So breaking down whats in the documentation article I wrote:

    1) From the left menu click on Portfolio Items and then Add New to create your own Portfolio item. Now add your title and jump in to adding in your content.
    2) The Featured Image meta box just below the Layout meta box is where you will set the main single image to represent your portfolio item in the Portfolio grid and other outputs. So make sure to set that with an image larger than 700×700 pixels for the most flexibility.

    To output a portfolio – a group of portfolio items – you will need to use a regular Page. Then using the advanced layout builder adding a portfolio element and choosing your settings is the only step left.

    The most important part is adding the featured image to your portfolio item so that the Portfolio element or masonry element has an image to show.


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