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  • #22703


    Love the theme, one quick quick question, how to change the title name “Blog” in head of post?






    You can create a new page then name it to something else other than Blog. Go to Enfold > Theme Options > And where do you want to display the Blog? > Choose the newly created page.




    Thanks for reply

    I mean that in post. I created a post, the default title is “blog” like the screenshot:

    How to change it?


    Hi bwsm,

    I’m not clear on where that screenshot is coming from or what you mean. Can you give us a bit more context?




    I think bwsm is seeing the same thing I do (if not, apologies for hijacking).

    1. Go to blog page, select don’t show header/breadcrumbs

    2. Arp. It still shows no matter what I do.

    It seems that we have the ability to control showing the page title/breadcrumbs on everything bar the Blog page.


    hi Devin,

    My screenshot is from:

    the whole page screenshot:

    It is a post?

    To: colintatet

    No it is not same thing, it’s a bug that you mentioned, you could find the topic to fix it.


    If you want to change “Blog” to a different text just rename the Blog page (Pages > View all, edit the blog page and enter a different title). If you want to change the “Blog” text to the post title on single post pages see:

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